Email Effects files are simple plain text. This not only means that Email Effects files can be opened in almost every other Macintosh application, but also that Email Effects can open text files created with any other application. When opening a file created in another application, it will automatically be wrapped to the default number of columns as specified in the preferences. Note : The unregistered version of Email Effects has a maximum width of 50 columns. Because Email Effects is designed primarily for creating Emails, it implements a useful feature for users of Claris Emailer and Qualcomm Eudora, the two current most popular Email client programs on the Macintosh. Either choose the correct item from the Email menu, or click the correct button at the right-hand end of the toolbar. A new outgoing message will automatically be created in the desired program with the entire document in the message body. If there is a current selection in the Select Tool, that area will be moved across instead. This feature requires the necessary Email client program to be installed, of course.